Tuesday 3 July 2012

2 July 2012 LONDON Monday

Wow what a day!  Starting at Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guards before a visit with Liz - yes, we're on first name terms since our meeting the other day!

Now, to the untrained eye,  this may well look like a pirouette, however, it is in fact an entire message in the shape of a heart from Janine in Australia to Liz and it goes like this:  Hi Liz, Congratulations on your Jubilee and Birthday, I love you, love Janine from Australia.  So you see, my predicament, hence the heart - I hope that suffices, Janine.

Our next thrill for the day was.....
Wimbledon!!  We were there!!  While Federer and Sharapova were playing their matches.  Okay so maybe not ON actual Centre Court but we milled around the other courts and actually heard Maria Sharapova grunting throughout her game.  Of course we had to have the iconic Wimbledon strawberries and cream.

A little light shopping to finish the day off and, phew, home, exhausted and satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cal & Al,
    So glad you made it to Wimbledon - a wonderful memory to add to all the others!!

    Thanks for helping us make such rich and wonderful memories over the past 2 months; we will treasure them forever !

    Lots of Love
    Mom & Keith

    PS: Hi to Dal and Kit, enjoy your time with Cally & Allan in London. xx
